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  1. This is ddd.info, produced by makeinfo version 4.0 from ddd.texi.
  3. INFO-DIR-SECTION Miscellaneous
  5. * DDD: (ddd).                     The Data Display Debugger.
  8. DDD is a graphical front-end for GDB and other command-line debuggers.
  10. This is the First Edition, 2001-02-01, of `Debugging with DDD' for DDD
  11. Version 3.3.1.
  13. Copyright (C) 2001 UniversitΣt Passau
  14. Lehrstuhl fⁿr Software-Systeme
  15. Innstra▀e 33
  16. D-94032 Passau
  19. Distributed by
  20. Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  21. 59 Temple Place - Suite 330
  22. Boston, MA 02111-1307
  23. USA
  25. DDD and this manual are available via the DDD WWW page
  26. (http://www.gnu.org/software/ddd/).
  28.    Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
  29. under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or
  30. any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no
  31. Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts and no Back-Cover Texts.  A
  32. copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free
  33. Documentation License".
  35.    Send questions, comments, suggestions, etc. to <ddd@gnu.org>.
  36. Send bug reports to <bug-ddd@gnu.org>.
  38. File: ddd.info,  Node: Concept Index,  Prev: File Index,  Up: Top
  40. Concept Index
  41. *************
  43. * Menu:
  45. * Aborting execution <1>:                Program Menu.
  46. * Aborting execution:                    Quitting.
  47. * Ada:                                   Summary.
  48. * Aliases, detecting:                    Shared Structures.
  49. * Animating plots:                       Animating Plots.
  50. * Arguments, displaying:                 Displaying Local Variables.
  51. * Arguments, of the debugged program:    Arguments.
  52. * Arguments, program:                    Starting Program Execution.
  53. * Array slices:                          Array Slices.
  54. * Array, artificial:                     Array Slices.
  55. * Array, plotting:                       Plotting Arrays.
  56. * Artificial arrays:                     Array Slices.
  57. * Assertions and breakpoints:            Breakpoint Conditions.
  58. * Assertions and watchpoints:            Watchpoints.
  59. * Assignment:                            Assignment.
  60. * Assistance:                            Help and Assistance.
  61. * Auto-command:                          Commands with Other Debuggers.
  62. * Automatic Layout:                      Automatic Layout.
  63. * Balloon help:                          Getting Help.
  64. * Box library:                           History.
  65. * Breakpoint:                            Stopping.
  66. * Breakpoint commands:                   Breakpoint Commands.
  67. * Breakpoint commands, vs. conditions:   Breakpoint Conditions.
  68. * Breakpoint conditions:                 Breakpoint Conditions.
  69. * Breakpoint ignore counts:              Breakpoint Ignore Counts.
  70. * Breakpoint properties:                 Editing Breakpoint Properties.
  71. * Breakpoint, copying:                   Moving and Copying Breakpoints.
  72. * Breakpoint, deleting:                  Deleting Breakpoints.
  73. * Breakpoint, disabling:                 Disabling Breakpoints.
  74. * Breakpoint, dragging:                  Moving and Copying Breakpoints.
  75. * Breakpoint, editing:                   Editing Breakpoint Properties.
  76. * Breakpoint, enabling:                  Disabling Breakpoints.
  77. * Breakpoint, hardware-assisted:         Hardware-Assisted Breakpoints.
  78. * Breakpoint, looking up:                Looking up Breakpoints.
  79. * Breakpoint, moving:                    Moving and Copying Breakpoints.
  80. * Breakpoint, setting:                   Setting Breakpoints.
  81. * Breakpoint, temporary:                 Temporary Breakpoints.
  82. * Breakpoint, toggling:                  Tool Bar.
  83. * Breakpoints, editing:                  Editing all Breakpoints.
  84. * Button editor:                         Defining Buttons.
  85. * Button tip:                            Getting Help.
  86. * Button tip, turning off:               Button tips.
  87. * Buttons, defining:                     Defining Buttons.
  88. * C:                                     Summary.
  89. * C++:                                   Summary.
  90. * Call stack:                            Stack.
  91. * Chill:                                 Summary.
  92. * Class, opening:                        Opening Programs.
  93. * Clipboard:                             Edit Menu.
  94. * Clipboard, putting displays:           Deleting Displays.
  95. * Cluster:                               Clustering.
  96. * Cluster, and plotting:                 Scalars and Composites.
  97. * Clustered display, creating:           Creating Single Displays.
  98. * Command completion:                    Command Completion.
  99. * Command history:                       Command History.
  100. * Command tool:                          Windows.
  101. * Command, argument:                     GDB Argument Commands.
  102. * Command, auto:                         Commands with Other Debuggers.
  103. * Command, breakpoint:                   Breakpoint Commands.
  104. * Command, defining:                     Defining Commands.
  105. * Command, defining in GDB:              GDB Simple Commands.
  106. * Command, defining with other debuggers: Commands with Other Debuggers.
  107. * Command, recording:                    GDB Simple Commands.
  108. * Command, repeating:                    Command History.
  109. * Command, searching:                    Command History.
  110. * Command, user-defined:                 Defining Commands.
  111. * Command-line debugger:                 Summary.
  112. * Compact Layout:                        Automatic Layout.
  113. * Completion of commands:                Command Completion.
  114. * Completion of quoted strings:          Command Completion.
  115. * Conditions on breakpoints:             Breakpoint Conditions.
  116. * Context-sensitive help:                Getting Help.
  117. * Continue, at different address:        Continuing Somewhere Else.
  118. * Continue, one line:                    Resuming Execution.
  119. * Continue, to location:                 Resuming Execution.
  120. * Continue, to next line:                Resuming Execution.
  121. * Continue, until function returns:      Resuming Execution.
  122. * Continue, until greater line is reached: Resuming Execution.
  123. * Continuing execution:                  Resuming Execution.
  124. * Continuing process execution:          Attaching to a Process.
  125. * Contour lines, in plots:               Plot Appearance.
  126. * Contributors:                          Contributors.
  127. * Copying displays:                      Deleting Displays.
  128. * Core dump, opening:                    Opening Core Dumps.
  129. * Core file, in sessions:                Saving Sessions.
  130. * Cutting displays:                      Deleting Displays.
  131. * Data Theme:                            Using Data Themes.
  132. * Data Window:                           Displaying Values.
  133. * Data window:                           Windows.
  134. * DBX:                                   Summary.
  135. * DBX, invoking DDD with:                Choosing an Inferior Debugger.
  136. * Debugger console:                      Windows.
  137. * Debugger, on remote host:              Remote Debugger.
  138. * Debugging DDD:                         Debugging DDD.
  139. * Debugging flags:                       Patching.
  140. * Debugging optimized code:              Compiling for Debugging.
  141. * Default session:                       Resuming Sessions.
  142. * Deferred display:                      Creating Single Displays.
  143. * Deferred display, in sessions:         Saving Sessions.
  144. * Deleting displays <1>:                 Deleting Displays.
  145. * Deleting displays:                     Tool Bar.
  146. * Deleting displays, undoing:            Deleting Displays.
  147. * Dependent display:                     Creating Single Displays.
  148. * Dereferencing:                         Dereferencing Pointers.
  149. * Detail toggling with Show/Hide:        Tool Bar.
  150. * Detail, hiding:                        Showing and Hiding Details.
  151. * Detail, showing:                       Showing and Hiding Details.
  152. * Directory, of the debugged program:    Working Directory.
  153. * Disabled displays:                     Showing and Hiding Details.
  154. * Disabling displays, undoing:           Showing and Hiding Details.
  155. * Display:                               Displaying Values.
  156. * Display Editor:                        Editing all Displays.
  157. * Display name:                          Selecting Displays.
  158. * Display position:                      Creating Single Displays.
  159. * Display selection:                     Selecting Displays.
  160. * Display title:                         Selecting Displays.
  161. * Display value:                         Selecting Displays.
  162. * Display, aligning on grid:             Aligning Displays.
  163. * Display, clustered:                    Creating Single Displays.
  164. * Display, clustering:                   Clustering.
  165. * Display, copying:                      Deleting Displays.
  166. * Display, creating <1>:                 Creating Single Displays.
  167. * Display, creating:                     Tool Bar.
  168. * Display, customizing:                  Customizing Displays.
  169. * Display, cutting:                      Deleting Displays.
  170. * Display, deferred:                     Creating Single Displays.
  171. * Display, deleting <1>:                 Deleting Displays.
  172. * Display, deleting:                     Tool Bar.
  173. * Display, dependent <1>:                Dependent Values.
  174. * Display, dependent:                    Creating Single Displays.
  175. * Display, disabled:                     Showing and Hiding Details.
  176. * Display, frozen:                       Stopping X Programs.
  177. * Display, hiding details:               Showing and Hiding Details.
  178. * Display, locked:                       Stopping X Programs.
  179. * Display, moving:                       Moving Displays.
  180. * Display, pasting:                      Deleting Displays.
  181. * Display, placement:                    Placement.
  182. * Display, plotting the history:         Plotting Histories.
  183. * Display, refreshing:                   Refreshing the Data Window.
  184. * Display, rotating <1>:                 Rotating Displays.
  185. * Display, rotating:                     Tool Bar.
  186. * Display, selecting:                    Selecting Displays.
  187. * Display, setting <1>:                  Tool Bar.
  188. * Display, setting:                      Remote Host.
  189. * Display, setting when invoking DDD:    X Options.
  190. * Display, showing details:              Showing and Hiding Details.
  191. * Display, suppressing:                  Deleting Displays.
  192. * Display, toggling detail:              Tool Bar.
  193. * Display, updating:                     Refreshing the Data Window.
  194. * Displaying values <1>:                 Displaying Values.
  195. * Displaying values:                     Examining Data.
  196. * Displaying values with Display:        Tool Bar.
  197. * Dumping values:                        Examining Data.
  198. * Edge:                                  Dependent Values.
  199. * Edge hint <1>:                         Automatic Layout.
  200. * Edge hint:                             Shared Structures.
  201. * Editing source code:                   Editing Source Code.
  202. * Emacs, integrating DDD:                Integrating DDD.
  203. * Emergency repairs:                     Patching.
  204. * Environment, of the debugged program:  Environment.
  205. * EPROM code debugging:                  Hardware-Assisted Breakpoints.
  206. * Examining memory contents:             Examining Memory.
  207. * Execution position, dragging:          Continuing Somewhere Else.
  208. * Execution window <1>:                  Using the Execution Window.
  209. * Execution window:                      Windows.
  210. * Execution, "undoing":                  Undoing Program Execution.
  211. * Execution, aborting <1>:               Program Menu.
  212. * Execution, aborting:                   Quitting.
  213. * Execution, at different address:       Continuing Somewhere Else.
  214. * Execution, continuing:                 Resuming Execution.
  215. * Execution, interrupting:               Quitting.
  216. * Execution, interrupting automatically: Debugger Communication.
  217. * Execution, one line:                   Resuming Execution.
  218. * Execution, to location:                Resuming Execution.
  219. * Execution, to next line:               Resuming Execution.
  220. * Execution, until function returns:     Resuming Execution.
  221. * Execution, until greater line is reached: Resuming Execution.
  222. * Exiting:                               Quitting.
  223. * Extending display selection:           Selecting Displays.
  224. * FIG file, printing as:                 Printing the Graph.
  225. * Files, opening:                        Opening Files.
  226. * Finding items:                         Tool Bar.
  227. * Fonts:                                 Customizing Fonts.
  228. * FORTRAN:                               Summary.
  229. * Frame <1>:                             Frames.
  230. * Frame:                                 Stack.
  231. * Frame changes, undoing:                Selecting a frame.
  232. * Frame number:                          Frames.
  233. * Frame pointer:                         Frames.
  234. * Frame, selecting:                      Selecting a frame.
  235. * GCC:                                   Compiling for Debugging.
  236. * GDB:                                   Summary.
  237. * GDB, invoking DDD with:                Choosing an Inferior Debugger.
  238. * Glyph:                                 Customizing Glyphs.
  239. * GPL:                                   Free Software.
  240. * Grabbed pointer:                       Stopping X Programs.
  241. * Graph, printing:                       Printing the Graph.
  242. * Graph, rotating:                       Rotating the Graph.
  243. * Grid, aligning displays:               Aligning Displays.
  244. * Grid, in plots:                        Plot Appearance.
  245. * Help <1>:                              Help and Assistance.
  246. * Help:                                  Getting Help.
  247. * Help, in the status line:              Getting Help.
  248. * Help, on buttons:                      Getting Help.
  249. * Help, on commands:                     Getting Help.
  250. * Help, on items:                        Getting Help.
  251. * Help, when stuck:                      Getting Help.
  252. * Hiding display details:                Showing and Hiding Details.
  253. * Historic mode:                         Undoing Program Execution.
  254. * History:                               History.
  255. * History, plotting:                     Plotting Histories.
  256. * Host, remote:                          Remote Host.
  257. * HTML manual:                           About this Manual.
  258. * IBMGL file, printing as:               Printing the Graph.
  259. * Icon, invoking DDD as:                 X Options.
  260. * Ignore count:                          Breakpoint Ignore Counts.
  261. * Indent, source code:                   Customizing Source Appearance.
  262. * Inferior debugger:                     Summary.
  263. * Info manual:                           About this Manual.
  264. * Initial frame:                         Frames.
  265. * Innermost frame:                       Frames.
  266. * Input of the debugged program:         Input/Output.
  267. * Instruction, stepping:                 Machine Code Execution.
  268. * Integrating DDD:                       Integrating DDD.
  269. * Interrupting DDD:                      Quitting.
  270. * Interrupting execution:                Quitting.
  271. * Interrupting execution, automatically: Debugger Communication.
  272. * Invoking:                              Invoking.
  273. * Java:                                  Summary.
  274. * JDB:                                   Summary.
  275. * JDB, invoking DDD with:                Choosing an Inferior Debugger.
  276. * Jump to different address:             Continuing Somewhere Else.
  277. * Killing DDD:                           Quitting.
  278. * Killing the debugged program:          Killing the Program.
  279. * Ladebug:                               Summary.
  280. * Ladebug, invoking DDD with:            Choosing an Inferior Debugger.
  281. * License <1>:                           License.
  282. * License:                               Free Software.
  283. * License, Documentation:                Documentation License.
  284. * License, showing on standard output:   Options.
  285. * Line numbers:                          Customizing Source Appearance.
  286. * Local variables, displaying:           Displaying Local Variables.
  287. * Logging:                               Logging.
  288. * Logging, disabling:                    Disabling Logging.
  289. * Looking up breakpoints:                Looking up Breakpoints.
  290. * Looking up items:                      Tool Bar.
  291. * Lookups, redoing:                      Looking up Previous Locations.
  292. * Lookups, undoing:                      Looking up Previous Locations.
  293. * Lⁿtkehaus, Dorothea <1>:               History.
  294. * Lⁿtkehaus, Dorothea:                   Contributors.
  295. * Machine code window:                   Windows.
  296. * Machine code, examining:               Machine Code.
  297. * Machine code, executing:               Machine Code Execution.
  298. * Mailing list:                          Help and Assistance.
  299. * Make, invoking:                        Recompiling.
  300. * Manual, showing on standard output:    Options.
  301. * Memory, dumping contents:              Examining Data.
  302. * Memory, examining:                     Examining Memory.
  303. * Modula-2:                              Summary.
  304. * Modula-3:                              Summary.
  305. * Mouse pointer, frozen:                 Stopping X Programs.
  306. * Name, display:                         Selecting Displays.
  307. * News, showing on standard output:      Options.
  308. * NORA:                                  History.
  309. * Optimized code, debugging:             Compiling for Debugging.
  310. * Option:                                Invoking.
  311. * Outermost frame:                       Frames.
  312. * Output of the debugged program:        Input/Output.
  313. * Pascal:                                Summary.
  314. * Pasting displays:                      Deleting Displays.
  315. * Patching:                              Patching.
  316. * PDF manual:                            About this Manual.
  317. * Perl:                                  Summary.
  318. * Perl, invoking DDD with:               Choosing an Inferior Debugger.
  319. * PIC file, printing as:                 Printing the Graph.
  320. * Pipe:                                  Input/Output.
  321. * Placement:                             Placement.
  322. * Plot appearance:                       Plot Appearance.
  323. * Plot, animating:                       Animating Plots.
  324. * Plot, exporting:                       Exporting Plot Data.
  325. * Plot, printing:                        Printing Plots.
  326. * Plot, scrolling:                       Plot Appearance.
  327. * Plotting style:                        Plot Appearance.
  328. * Plotting values <1>:                   Plotting Values.
  329. * Plotting values <2>:                   Examining Data.
  330. * Plotting values:                       Tool Bar.
  331. * Pointers, dereferencing:               Dereferencing Pointers.
  332. * Position, of display:                  Creating Single Displays.
  333. * PostScript manual:                     About this Manual.
  334. * PostScript, printing as:               Printing the Graph.
  335. * Print, output formats:                 Printing Values.
  336. * Printing plots:                        Printing Plots.
  337. * Printing the Graph:                    Printing the Graph.
  338. * Printing values <1>:                   Printing Values.
  339. * Printing values:                       Examining Data.
  340. * Printing values with Print:            Tool Bar.
  341. * Process, attaching:                    Attaching to a Process.
  342. * Program arguments:                     Starting Program Execution.
  343. * Program counter, displaying:           Machine Code Execution.
  344. * Program output, confusing:             Input/Output.
  345. * Program, on remote host:               Remote Program.
  346. * Program, opening:                      Opening Programs.
  347. * Program, patching:                     Patching.
  348. * PSG:                                   History.
  349. * PYDB:                                  Summary.
  350. * PYDB, invoking DDD with:               Choosing an Inferior Debugger.
  351. * Python:                                Summary.
  352. * Quitting:                              Quitting.
  353. * Quotes in commands:                    Command Completion.
  354. * Readline:                              TTY mode.
  355. * Recompiling:                           Recompiling.
  356. * Recording commands:                    GDB Simple Commands.
  357. * Redirecting I/O of the debugged program: Input/Output.
  358. * Redirecting I/O to the execution window: Using the Execution Window.
  359. * Redirection:                           Input/Output.
  360. * Redirection, to execution window <1>:  Using the Execution Window.
  361. * Redirection, to execution window:      Debugger Communication.
  362. * Redoing commands:                      Undo and Redo.
  363. * Redoing lookups:                       Looking up Previous Locations.
  364. * Refreshing displayed values:           Refreshing the Data Window.
  365. * Registers, examining:                  Registers.
  366. * Reloading source code:                 Editing Source Code.
  367. * Remote debugger:                       Remote Debugger.
  368. * Remote host:                           Remote Host.
  369. * Remote program:                        Remote Program.
  370. * Resource, setting when invoking DDD:   X Options.
  371. * Resources:                             Resources.
  372. * ROM code debugging:                    Hardware-Assisted Breakpoints.
  373. * Rotating displays with Rotate:         Tool Bar.
  374. * Rotating the graph:                    Rotating the Graph.
  375. * Running the debugged program:          Running.
  376. * Scalars, plotting:                     Scalars and Composites.
  377. * Scales, in plots:                      Plot Appearance.
  378. * Scrolling:                             Scrolling Data.
  379. * Search, using Find >>:                 Tool Bar.
  380. * Searching commands:                    Command History.
  381. * Selecting frames:                      Selecting a frame.
  382. * Selecting multiple displays:           Selecting Displays.
  383. * Selecting single displays:             Selecting Displays.
  384. * Session:                               Sessions.
  385. * Session, active:                       Saving Sessions.
  386. * Session, default:                      Resuming Sessions.
  387. * Session, deleting:                     Deleting Sessions.
  388. * Session, opening:                      Resuming Sessions.
  389. * Session, resuming:                     Resuming Sessions.
  390. * Session, saving:                       Saving Sessions.
  391. * Session, setting when invoking DDD:    Options.
  392. * Setting variables:                     Assignment.
  393. * Setting variables with Set:            Tool Bar.
  394. * Shared structures, detecting:          Shared Structures.
  395. * Showing display details:               Showing and Hiding Details.
  396. * SIGABRT signal <1>:                    Program Menu.
  397. * SIGABRT signal:                        Quitting.
  398. * SIGALRM signal:                        Signals.
  399. * SIGINT signal <1>:                     Signals.
  400. * SIGINT signal:                         Interrupting.
  401. * Signal settings, editing:              Signals.
  402. * Signal settings, saving:               Signals.
  403. * Signal, fatal:                         Signals.
  404. * Signal, sending to DDD:                Quitting.
  405. * Signals:                               Signals.
  406. * SIGSEGV signal:                        Signals.
  407. * SIGTRAP signal:                        Signals.
  408. * SIGUSR1 signal <1>:                    Debugging DDD.
  409. * SIGUSR1 signal:                        Maintenance Menu.
  410. * Source code, editing:                  Editing Source Code.
  411. * Source code, recompiling:              Recompiling.
  412. * Source code, reloading:                Editing Source Code.
  413. * Source directory:                      Source Path.
  414. * Source file, opening:                  Opening Source Files.
  415. * Source file, typing into:              Typing in the Source Window.
  416. * Source path:                           Source Path.
  417. * Source path, specifying:               Source Path.
  418. * Source window:                         Windows.
  419. * Source, accessing:                     Source Path.
  420. * Stack Frame:                           Frames.
  421. * Stack frame:                           Stack.
  422. * Stack, moving within:                  Selecting a frame.
  423. * Status display:                        Displaying Program Status.
  424. * Status line:                           Getting Help.
  425. * Status line, location:                 Window Layout.
  426. * Suppressing values:                    Deleting Displays.
  427. * Tab width:                             Customizing Source Appearance.
  428. * TeX file, printing as:                 Printing the Graph.
  429. * TeXinfo manual:                        About this Manual.
  430. * Theme, Data:                           Using Data Themes.
  431. * Theme, editing:                        Editing Themes.
  432. * Theme, for suppressing values:         Deleting Displays.
  433. * Threads:                               Threads.
  434. * Tic Tac Toe game:                      Maintenance Menu.
  435. * Tip of the day:                        Getting Help.
  436. * Tip of the day, turning off:           Tip of the day.
  437. * Tip, on buttons:                       Getting Help.
  438. * Tip, value <1>:                        Value Tips.
  439. * Tip, value:                            Examining Data.
  440. * Title, display:                        Selecting Displays.
  441. * Tool Bar, location:                    Window Layout.
  442. * Tool tip:                              Getting Help.
  443. * Tornado:                               WindRiver GDB.
  444. * TTY interface:                         TTY mode.
  445. * TTY mode, setting when invoking DDD:   Options.
  446. * TTY settings:                          Input/Output.
  447. * Undo deleting displays:                Deleting Displays.
  448. * Undo disabling displays:               Showing and Hiding Details.
  449. * Undoing commands:                      Undo and Redo.
  450. * Undoing frame changes:                 Selecting a frame.
  451. * Undoing lookups:                       Looking up Previous Locations.
  452. * Undoing program execution:             Undoing Program Execution.
  453. * Undoing signal handling:               Signals.
  454. * Updating displayed values:             Refreshing the Data Window.
  455. * User-defined command:                  Defining Commands.
  456. * Value tip <1>:                         Value Tips.
  457. * Value tip:                             Examining Data.
  458. * Value, display:                        Selecting Displays.
  459. * Value, displaying <1>:                 Displaying Values.
  460. * Value, displaying:                     Examining Data.
  461. * Value, dumping:                        Examining Data.
  462. * Value, plotting:                       Examining Data.
  463. * Value, plotting the history:           Plotting Histories.
  464. * Value, printing <1>:                   Printing Values.
  465. * Value, printing:                       Examining Data.
  466. * Values, displaying with Display:       Tool Bar.
  467. * Values, plotting:                      Plotting Values.
  468. * Values, plotting with Plot:            Tool Bar.
  469. * Values, printing with Print:           Tool Bar.
  470. * Values, suppressing:                   Deleting Displays.
  471. * Variables, setting:                    Assignment.
  472. * Variables, setting with Set:           Tool Bar.
  473. * virtual machine:                       JDB Options.
  474. * VM:                                    JDB Options.
  475. * VSL:                                   History.
  476. * Watchpoint <1>:                        Watchpoints.
  477. * Watchpoint:                            Stopping.
  478. * Watchpoint properties:                 Editing Watchpoint Properties.
  479. * Watchpoint, deleting:                  Deleting Watchpoints.
  480. * Watchpoint, editing:                   Editing Watchpoint Properties.
  481. * Watchpoint, setting:                   Setting Watchpoints.
  482. * Watchpoint, toggling:                  Tool Bar.
  483. * Watchpoints, editing:                  Editing all Watchpoints.
  484. * WDB:                                   WDB.
  485. * WDB, invoking DDD with <1>:            WDB.
  486. * WDB, invoking DDD with:                Choosing an Inferior Debugger.
  487. * WildeBeest:                            WDB.
  488. * WindRiver GDB:                         WindRiver GDB.
  489. * Working directory, of the debugged program: Working Directory.
  490. * X programs, stopping:                  Stopping X Programs.
  491. * X server, frozen:                      Stopping X Programs.
  492. * X server, locked:                      Stopping X Programs.
  493. * X session:                             Resuming Sessions.
  494. * X Warnings, suppressing:               X Warnings.
  495. * XDB:                                   Summary.
  496. * XDB, invoking DDD with:                Choosing an Inferior Debugger.
  497. * XEmacs, integrating DDD:               Integrating DDD.
  498. * XXGDB, integrating DDD:                Integrating DDD.
  499. * Zeller, Andreas <1>:                   History.
  500. * Zeller, Andreas:                       Contributors.